ALAA Roots — An Unofficial Site

November 15, 2006

2006:11.15: Antiwar Bulletin: Events This Week

Filed under: Antiwar,Palestine — nyclaw01 @ 11:48 am

From: Michael Letwin
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2006 2:17 PM
To: 1199 Members; ALAA MEMBERS
Subject: Antiwar Bulletin: Events This Week


1.  Tonight (11/15/06): Palestine Blues
2.  Friday (11/17/06): Antiwar G.I.s in Iraq

1.  Tonight (11/15/06): Palestine Blues

Join Al-Awda in commemoration of the Week of Resistance Against the Apartheid Wall for a showing of :


followed by a question & answer session with award winning filmmaker & renowned Palestinian artist & sculpturist **NIDA SINNOKROT.

Wed. 11-15-2006 at 7:30pm Alwan For the Arts
16 Beaver Street (b/n Broad & Broadway)—4th Floor
4/5 bowling green–r/w whitehall–2/3 wall street–j/m broad street–1/9 south ferry $10 donation goes to United Health Workers Committees in Palestine, on the brink of collapse….nonethless, no one will be turned away.

* PALESTINE BLUES winner of best feature film award in several film festivals…marked not only by the importance of the subject but its aesthetic quality, this film is a must see.

“Palestine Blues follows the repercussions of the [Zionist Apartheid Wall] and Settlement expansion in the engulfed/annexed Palestinian farming communities of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Instead of focusing on the object of the Wall, this documentary examines the grassroots resistance movement that has sprung up against it. Palestine Blues is not a “traditional” political reportage but rather an interminable road trip across hard and liquid borders, across a terrain that is being erased as it is being traversed.”

** “Nida Sinnokrot is a Palestinian-American artist and filmmaker. His films, installations, and sculptures, which have shown nationally and internationally, often explore complex notions of time and space in a phenomenological investigation of Diaspora consciousness. After completing his undergraduate studies in Radio, Television, and Film at the University of Texas at Austin, Nida moved to New York where he received an MFA in Film and Video from Bard College. Nida recently completed the Whitney Museum of American Art Independent Study Program, is a 2002 Rockefeller Media Fellow, and was recently awarded a Paul Robeson media grant.”

Palestine Blues by Nida Sinnokrot Documentary Video 80:00 2006 Midwest Premiere

“In 1923 Ze’ev Jabotinsky, one of the founding fathers of Zionism wrote an essay in which he outlined the means for establishing a state of Israel in the whole of historic Palestine. That essay was called The Iron Wall.”

“In June of 2002 the construction of a 400-mile barrier began in the Occupied West Bank. Though it is referred to as a ‘security fence’ by Israel, its form changes along the route, and near large cities it is a concrete wall twice as high as the Berlin Wall. Construction began in the northwest part of the West Bank. With its large, unspoiled aquifer, this land provides nearly 65% of the fruits and vegetables produced in the region. The wells along the aquifer provide essential water for drinking, agriculture and sanitation. All of this prime land and its water supply will fall on the Israeli side of the wall.”Palestine Blues follows the repercussions of the Israeli Security Wall and Settlement expansion in the engulfed/annexed Palestinian farming communities of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Instead of focusing on the Wall as an object, Palestine Blues examines the grassroots resistance movement that has sprung up against it. Palestine Blues is not a ‘traditional’
political reportage but rather an interminable road trip across hard and liquid borders, across a terrain that is being erased as it is being traversed.” -Nida Sinnokrot


2.  Friday (11/17/06): Antiwar G.I.s in Iraq

Resistance Where it Counts:
How Anti-War Soldiers Who Served in Iraq Organized Against the War on the Front Lines

Judson Memorial Church
55 Washington Square South, New York City 7:00 – 9:00 P.M. Friday, November 17, 2006

Jeff Englehart, Joe Hatcher and Garett Reppenhagen 1st Infantry Division, Diyala Province, Iraq, 2004-2005

There has to be a point when we reach a high enough number of troops in our peace effort that a unified boycott of all military action will have a desired effect — Soldier X

Find out what you can do to support the G.I. Movement!

Sponsored By: the Military Project, New York City Labor Against the War
(NYCLAW) and Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW)-NYC Chapter

Endorsers: Citizen Soldier, Gi Special, Military Families Speak Out, Traveling Soldier, Veterans for Peace (NYC – Chapter 34), after Downing Street, Bring the Ruckus (NYC),, International Socialist Organization, Left Turn, Not in Our Name (NYC), War Resisters League

For more information:

Union Free Speech Notice
*This message, like thousands of others that have been posted to the ALAA e-list, constitutes protected free speech, pursuant to Collective Bargaining Agreement, §§ 3.5 (“The expression of personal religious, political, social or economic beliefs of each and every attorney is fully guaranteed and will never constitute grounds for discharge or relief from an individual assignment unless, in either instance, it can be demonstrated that such expression has, or will, directly interfere(d) with, and detract from, representation of a Society client so as to render said representation less than at the highest level of competence and effectiveness.”) and 1.5 (“The Union will have reasonable use of the Society’s internal communication mechanisms.”).

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