ALAA Roots — An Unofficial Site

December 31, 1998

1998.12.31: Upcoming Events

From: <> []
Sent: Thursday, December 31, 1998 12:43 PM
Subject: Upcoming Events

Next EC Meeting.
The next Executive Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 26, 6:30 p.m. at ALAA HQ.
The meeting will include discussion of contract bargaining, so it is particularly important that each Union representative make every effort to attend; please RSVP.  Minutes and agenda will follow.

Labor Notes School.
“Democracy is Power,” an interactive school sponsored by Labor Notes, will be held in New York City on January 29-31, 1999.
The school offers a rare opportunity to meet with leading activists fresh from the front lines of the growing union democracy and reform movement,
**Ken Paff (Teamsters for a Democratic Union);
**Tim Schermerhorn (Transit Workers Local 100 (NYC subway & bus workers) New Directions Caucus);
**Larry Adams (Mail Handlers Local 300);
**Carl Biers (Association for Union Democracy);
**Ray Markey (Local 1930, AFSCME DC 37); and
**Mike Parker (Labor Notes).
The school is relevant both to recent events in the Teamsters, Transit Workers  and DC 37, and to strengthening rank-and-file participation in our own union.
ALAA will send a limited number of union representatives to this unique event.  To register, please reply via email by January 10, 1999.

*  *  *
And have a happy New Year!

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